Annette Wilke

Prof. Annette Wilke’s main areas of interest within the field of aesthetics of religion lie in language and sound in Hinduism, goddess representations, Tantric ritual and techniques of imagination, and Hindu temples and festival culture in the diaspora. She presently works on media and mediations of contemporary Advaita-Vedanta and the shaping of global Hinduism. She has also researched Indian aesthetic theories as well as religion and museum. She is a founding member of the DFG working group, has published widely on the subject and she is co-editor of the joint volume on imagination.

Publikationen zur Religionsästhetik


  • Annette Wilke, O. Moebus: Sound and Communication: An Aesthetic Cultural History of Sanskrit Hinduism, Berlin/New York 2011 (with music CD)

Edited volumes

  • Annette Wilke, L. Traut (Hg.): Religion – Imagination – Ästhetik. Vorstellungs- und Sinneswelten in Religion und Kultur. Göttingen 2014
  • Annette Wilke, E.M. Guggenmos (Hg.): Im Netz des Indra: Das Museum of World Religions (Taipeh), sein buddhistisches Dialogkonzept und die neue Disziplin Religionsästhetik. Münster 2008


  • Wilke, Annette  (2019): “Sonality”, in: Anne Koch und Katharina Wilkens (Hg.): Handbook of Cultural and Cognitive Aesthetics of Religion, London: Bloomsbury, 273-282.
  • (2018): „Classical Indian Aesthetics and rasa Theory: Observations on Embodied Rhetoric, Reader Response, and the Entanglement of Aesthetics and Religion in Hindu India“. In: S. Dorpmüller, J. Scholz, M. Stille und I. Weinrich (Hgg.): Religion and Aesthetic Experience. Drama – Sermons – Literature. Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing. S.47-89.
  • (2013): “Tamil Hindu Festival Culture in Germany”, in: U. Hüsken, A. Michaels (eds.): Hindu Festivals on the Move, Wiesbaden, 369-395.
  • (2012): “Re-coding the Natural and Animating the Imaginary: Kaula body practices in the Paraśurāma-Kalpasūtra, ritual transfers and the politics of representation”. In: I. Keul (ed.): Transformations and Transfers of Tantra in Asia and Beyond, Berlin/New York, 19-76.
  • (2003): “Nahrungsmetaphern, indische Aesthetik und die Gesten der Devotion”. In: S. Lanwerd (ed.): Der Kanon und die Sinne. Religionsaesthetik als akademische Disziplin, Luxemburg, 12-46.