Ulrike Brunotte

Since 2010 Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Center for Gender and Diversity of Maastricht University (Niederlande). From 2001–2006 Associate Professor at the Institute for Cultural Studies at Humboldt-University Berlin. In 2008 she became adjunct Professor at HU. Many guest professorships in the USA, Austria and Germany, several NWO and DFG-research projects. PhD at Free University Berlin in the field of religious- and literature studies, habilitation in cultural studies at Humboldt-University Berlin.

Fields of Research: history of knowledge, Orientalism, anti-Semitism, gender and postcolonial studies, performativity, new aesthetics of religion (history of fascination) and ritual theory; masculinity and religion.

Since 2013 chair of the international research network Rengoo: “Gender in Orientalism, Occidentalism and Antisemitism” www.rengoo.net.

Her publications include: Orientalism, Gender, and the Jews. Literary and Artistic Transformations of European National Discourses, (ed. with Anne- D. Ludewig, Axel Stähler), de Gruyter 2014; Das Wissen der Dämonen. Gender, Performativität und materielle Kultur im Werk Jane E. Harrisons, Ergon Verlag, Würzburg 2013; Masculinities and Modernity. Geschlecht in Wissensdiskursen um 1900 (ed. with R.Herrn), transcript Bielefeld, 2008; Zwischen Eros und Krieg. Männerbund und Ritual in der Moderne, Wagenbach Verlag, Berlin 2004; Puritanismus und Pioniergeist. Zur Faszination der Wildnis im frühen Neu-England, RGVV, De Gruyter, Berlin /New York 2000.

Further information: maastricht university staff pages http://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/web/Profile/U.BRUNOTTE.htm